because everyone deserves an equal shot at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
But in today’s America everyone doesn’t.
In today’s America people of color experience premature death.

of children born in poverty will live in poverty for the rest of their lives
Poverty + Race = Premature Death
according to JAMA and the CDC; so black and brown kids in that 84% are sentenced to a lifetime of poverty and premature death.

black and brown children lived in poverty in 2019
The Thrive! Solution
We partner with local governments to invest in breaking cycles of poverty so that everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive.

We have developed 80+ measures for an algorithm that quantifies a jurisdiction’s commitment to equity based on spending patterns across agencies. Our Equity Audit measures include evidence-based approaches that have been scientifically proven to break cycles of poverty like two generational models that upskill parents while providing academic, social and emotional support to kids inside and outside of school. We also measure authentic power sharing with communities of color.

Using the Equity Audit as a guidepost, we then prioritize how to make enhancements to the budgeting cycle with a focus on equity and economic mobility. We offer many budget neutral solutions that redirect existing resources.

We provide training to local government contractors and community-based organizations on implementing proven, poverty-reducing programs.
Our Awards
